Urge the Tasmanian government to protect the endangered swift parrot to save it from extinction

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: General Manager of DPIPWE, Alistair Scott

According to a report on the ABC News website, the breeding grounds of the endangered swift parrot have been threatened after departmental anti-logging advice was ignored.

Representatives from Environment Tasmania said the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) approved logging in parrot breeding habitat despite strong scientific advice against activity in the areas.

DPIPWE's Threatened Species Section had actually raised concerns about the impact of logging on the swift parrot, saying it would result in further loss of breeding habitat and went on to advise that logging was "... likely to interfere with the recovery objectives of the species".

A representative from the green group Environment Tasmania, Andrew Perry, went on to comment in the report: "Clearly the legislation in place to protect this species is not working at all if a government department can then just ride roughshod over that advice, and over those mechanisms of protection and decide to send the loggers in there anyway."

According to surveys, there are an estimated 1,000 breeding pairs of the swift parrot left in the wild – urgent action is needed now.

Will you join me in urging the Tasmanian government to protect the breeding grounds of the endangered swift parrot - putting aside areas free from logging and any other human activity – to save it from extinction?

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