Tell the courts to strike down the Idaho law that will jail doctors for treating trans kids!

Idaho Governor Brad Little has just signed one of the nation's most cruelly transphobic bills into law. House Bill 71 criminalizes gender-affirming health care for minors and makes it felony to provide that care — meaning doctors who keep on doing the right thing would see PRISON time.

Fortunately, the ACLU has already vowed to bring a legal challenge to the heartless bill. "From the ACLU perspective, we're troubled by the bill for several reasons. It's unconstitutional, blatantly unconstitutional. The reason for that is because it discriminates against a class of people based on transgender status and on sex. So singling out transgender youth, and prohibiting their attainment of health care is discriminatory," says Amy Dundon, legislative strategist for ACLU of Idaho.

Demand the courts put a stop to these bigoted bills!

If the ACLU isn't succesful, the effects on Idaho's trans community will be devastating. Studies show that just the passage of anti-trans legislation itself leads to a direct increase in internet searches about suicide and depression; 82% of trans youth have considered suicide at one point and 40% have attempted it. That doesn't even begin to include the hardship and suffering faced by those who are being forced to detransition by being denied gender-affirming care.

The last hope of Idaho's trans community lies with legal challenges to the bill and the courts that will rule on them. Will you add your name to the chorus of voices crying out for justice?

Tell the courts to strike down the Idaho law that will jail doctors for treating trans kids!

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