Keep the Ban on Hunting Hibernating Bear & Wolf Families!

The House of Representatives just voted to allow hunters to kill bears hibernating with their young. If their decision passes into law, hunters will be allowed to enter dens where bears are hibernating and kill their entire families. They would also be allowed to shoot and kill wolf families, including their pups.

Slaughtering entire families of hibernating bears is cowardly and inhumane. Bears pose no danger to humans or livestock when they're sleeping through the winter. Culling wolf families is a short-sighted plan that will push their numbers toward extinction again.

There is still hope to protect bears and wolves from this barbaric slaughter. Please sign the petition to urge United States Senators to vote against this resolution!

I am shocked that the House of Representatives just voted to allow hunters to kill bears hibernating with their young. If their decision passes into law, hunters will be allowed to enter dens where bears are hibernating and kill their entire families. They would also be allowed to shoot and kill wolf families, including their pups.

Slaughtering entire families of hibernating bears is callous and inhumane. Bears pose no danger to humans or livestock when they're sleeping through the winter. Culling wolf families is a short-sighted plan that will push their numbers toward extinction again.

There is still hope to protect bears and wolves from this barbaric slaughter. I respectfully urge you to vote against this resolution. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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