Ban Ivory Sales in Hawaii!

Hawaii has the third largest ivory market in the U.S., and may become the largest if sales are allowed to continue. On March 3rd, 2016, wildlife advocates met at the state capitol to discuss legislation to ban the sale of ivory in Hawaii.

Two bills, SB 2647 and HB 2502, would ban the sale of elephant ivory and rhino horn in Hawaii. A 2008 study found that 89 percent of ivory sold in Hawaii was illegal or from an unknown origin. Allowing ivory sales to continue encourages poachers to kill thousands of elephants every year.

Please sign the petition to urge Hawaii legislators to support a ban on ivory sales in Hawaii!

I am writing to support a ban on ivory sales in Hawaii.

Hawaii has the third largest ivory market in the U.S., and may become the largest if sales are allowed to continue. On March 3rd, 2016, wildlife advocates met at the state capitol to discuss legislation to ban the sale of ivory in Hawaii.

Two bills, SB 2647 and HB 2502, would ban the sale of elephant ivory and rhino horn in Hawaii. A 2008 study found that 89 percent of ivory sold in Hawaii was illegal or from an unknown origin. Allowing ivory sales to continue encourages poachers to kill thousands of elephants every year.

I respectfully urge you to support a ban on ivory sales in Hawaii. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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