Biden - Your Climate Plan Must Be More Than "Middle Ground"

The Democratic presidential field is full of candidates calling for radical climate action with a notable exception: Joe Biden. The former VP hasn't said much about global warming on the campaign trail thus far, and according to sources in his campaign team he's planning to take a moderate "middle ground" approach to climate action.

THAT WON'T DO, Joe. Taking baby steps toward progress aren't going to put us anywhere close to preserving the planet. The scientific consensus is clear: radical action must be adopted, and our next president needs to understand this rather than pandering to fossil fuel companies. No amount of compromise will fix this problem.

Since Biden hasn't formally announced his climate plan to the public, there's still time to get on track for serious action. The Democratic Party should be uniform in its stance to make the climate crisis a top priority, and if Biden wants to maintain his frontrunner status, he needs to show primary voters that he's prepared to take necessary, decisive action. 

We sign this petition to urge Biden to plan bigger on behalf of the planet. 

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