Don't Remove Gray Wolves From the Endangered List Again!

Wisconsin's wolves face hunting threats once again, just two years after a federal judge reinstated their endangered status in 2014. The state's 2012-2014 hunting seasons killed about 520 wolves before their endangered status was restored.

Sen. Tom Tiffany, R-Hazelhurst, and state Rep. Adam Jarchow, R-Balsam Lake are trying to urge Congress to de-list the wolves again and reestablish a hunting season in Wisconsin.

Hunting advocates say that wolves threaten livestock, but they are much more likely to prey on overpopulated wildlife like deer. Wisconsin's wolves have shown a minimal effect on livestock, while playing a valuable role in the ecosystem by naturally culling prey animals. Non-lethal methods of separating wolves from humans and livestock, such as barriers, effectively control the predators without killing them.

Please sign the petition to urge Congress to keep gray wolves on the endangered list!

I am concerned with current efforts to remove wolves from the endangered species list and reestablish wolf hunting in Wisconsin, just two years after a federal judge reinstated their endangered status in 2014. The state's 2012-2014 hunting seasons killed about 520 wolves before their endangered status was restored.

Hunting advocates say that wolves threaten livestock, but they are much more likely to prey on overpopulated wildlife like deer. Wisconsin's wolves have shown a minimal effect on livestock, while playing a valuable role in the ecosystem by naturally culling prey animals. Non-lethal methods of separating wolves from humans and livestock, such as barriers, effectively control the predators without killing them.

I respectfully urge you to keep gray wolves on the endangered list. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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