Stop Cruelty to Endangered Tiger

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: CITES Secretariat, Mr. John Macfarlane Sellar Chief of Enforcement

A video has surfaced which shows a docile, chained, and possibly drugged, endangered tiger being bashed in the head and neck with a stick, and forced to pose for photographs with a Chinese Family. The tiger is clearly confused and distressed.

Someone online has recognized the place and suggests it may have been at a zoo in the popular beach resort of Beidaihe in the Chinese city of Qinhuangdao,- even though the Chinese government has officially banned zoos from putting on cruel animal performances.

Despite the ban, some zoos continue to break the law and force animal to perform tricks by beating them and forced to endure the chronic pain of being defanged and declawed.

We ask CITES to investigate this zoo and help to save endangered tigers from cruelty by notifying proper authorities.


A video has surfaced which shows a docile, chained, and possibly drugged, endangered tiger being bashed in the head and neck with a stick, and forced to pose for photographs with a Chinese Family. The tiger is clearly confused and distressed.

Someone online has recognized the place and suggests it may have been at a zoo in the popular beach resort of Beidaihe in the Chinese city of Qinhuangdao,- even though last January the Chinese government banned zoos from putting on cruel animal performances.

Despite the ban, some zoos continue to break the law and force animal to perform tricks by beating them and forced to endure the chronic pain of being defanged and declawed.

We ask CITES to investigate this zoo and help to save endangered tigers from cruelty by notifying proper authorities.


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