Prevent Wicomico county MD woman from ever owning animals again

On March 16 2018, 25 dead horses were discovered  on a rual property in Wicomico County, MD. Authorities found numerous carcasses being fed on by scavengers, and even a cat was seen eating on one. One horse was seen with rope tied around its front feet.

It appears that the horses were starving. It was reported that numerous calls have been made regarding the animals getting loose and looking for food on other people's property. "The siding — aluminum siding — was eaten off the house, and fiberglass insulation had been pulled out," Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis told reporters. "Those horses were so hungry, they had broken the glass sliding doors on the back of the house, trying to get in and find something to eat. There's mud and broken glass all around the back of the house."

Recently MD has seen a hike in hoarding, negelect, and abused animals and this has to stop.

Sign this petition to demand that Gov. Hogan enforces stricter animal rights laws and that the courts uphold the penalty for animal abuse.

Enough is enough.

Uppdatera #26 år sedan
It has come to my attention that there were over 100 horses or more on her property.
One was removed on Friday, March 16, however was euthanized do tonhis condition.
Barbra Pilchard still maintains she has done nothing wrong and this is "fake news".
We are making great headway with our efforts. Please keep sharing and recruiting. Barbra Pilchard must be stopped.
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
I have received updates that there were over 100 horses seizednfrom Barbra Pilchard. I have also discovered this woman has been doing this for 40 years with numerous concerns raised over the years. In november a colt was found wandering that area and was presumed to belonf to Pilchard. This woman must do jail time. Justice must be served.
Please recruit friends and family and strangers to ensure justice be served.
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