They Abused Elephants AND Damaged Coral Reefs In One Go!

This video is horrible. A "tour guide" forces a baby elephant into the water so a woman in a white bikini can take a picture of it while her partner rides an adult nearby. 

Please sign if you want these "tour guides" to stop exploiting these elephants and ruining the coral reef in Phuket, Thailand!

The baby elephant is clearly distressed as it's forced into the water, and for what? So a tourist could post a picture to her social media followers? Then her partner is sitting atop an adult in the water taking selfies. No one involved seemed to consider the wellbeing of the animals they seem so obsessed with. We know this because there is never a valid, non-exploitative reason to ride an elephant. And we know that in order to get an elephant to allow a human to ride it, it has to go through extensive abuse with a training method called "the crush"

Even worse? Apparently bringing the elephants in the water there has damaged some coral reefs that are legally protected. That means that these tour guides did more than abuse elephants, they also damaged a delicate part of our environment and they must be held accountable. 

Will you sign to help make sure Thai authorities stop them from continuing with this abusive practice?
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