Stop the Holley, NY Squirrel Slam!

  • av: Megan Drake
  • mottagare: Fire Chief, Peter Hendrickson and Mayor John Kenney

Barbaric killing contests must end. Why, in 2014, are killing contests considered acceptable.  It teaches children to enjoy violence and think of killing innocent animals for "fun" as an okay way to relate to the world.

Dear Chief Hendrickson and Mayor Kenney:

Unwarranted killing of animals is bad enough, but holding an animal killing contest – that’s just wrong!

By encouraging children and teenagers to kill squirrels for fun under the misnomer of being called a fundraiser for a valid and necessary cause in your village only teaches them disrespect for ALL life on this planet - human and animal.

You are sending a dangerous message the the youth of Holley, NY and all the nearby towns.  Killing os NOT okay!

Please end the history of "Squirrel Slam" in Holley. Accept the generous offers to plan non-violent fundraisers in the furure.

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