Pledge to get outdoors when temperatures drop below zero!

We, at Canadian Wildlife Federation, are writing to ask you to join us in pledging to spend more time outdoors this winter.

As human beings, we are intimately connected to the natural world. However, in today's fast-paced society, it can be all too easy to get caught up in our daily routines and spend most of our time indoors. This is especially true in the winter time, when cold weather reduces our nature connection in favour of screens and technology. It's important for both our physical and mental health to stay connected to nature and the outdoors, and since we live in the world's biggest outdoor winter playground, there are lots of reasons to get outside!

We have specific projects allocated to promoting the dual practice of spending more time outdoors while learning how to protect our outdoor environments. Below Zero is an educational program designed to promote understanding of wildlife under winter conditions. It features 46 complete lesson plans that can each be adapted for any age, grade or subject. 

Our below zero workshops help learners develop the awareness, knowledge, skills and commitment needed to make informed decisions and to take constructive action for wildlife, habitat and the environment.  We also have an entire section on our website dedicated to inspiring Canadians to enjoy the "thrill of the chill" each winter.

So please join us in pledging to spend more time outdoors this winter. Together, we can make a positive impact on our own lives and the health of our planet.

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