Protect Wolves in America

The future of wolves in the American West is at a crossroads.

Since former President Trump stripped away Endangered Species Act protections earlier this year, the anti-wolf forces have been unleashed.

New laws and regulations in Montana, Idaho, and Wisconsin are putting wolves in the crosshairs. Hunters and trappers now have a literal license to kill with unlimited kill numbers, longer seasons, and bounties. They can even use night vision and bait in some states.

What's happening harkens back to the extermination era when wolves were pushed to the brink of extinction. And it could happen again.

The wild needs wolves. Wolves ensure resilient ecosystems. And watching them inspires in us a sense of awe and wonder.

Stand with WildEarth Guardians and tens of thousands of other wolf lovers by signing our petition demanding the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service restore Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves.

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