Save Elephants - Help Shut Down Black Market Ivory

Together with Botswana and Zimbabwe, Tanzania is home to half of all of Africa's elephants. However, experts warn that the current rate of poaching threatens to erode this distinction. In just five years, Tanzania has lost 60% of its elephants, mainly because of ivory poaching.

Demand in China and other ivory-consuming nations is fueling a black market in ivory, which has lead to the decimation of the Tanzania's once thriving elephant herds. While criminals and corrupt individuals at the top of the supply chain benefit, everyday Tanzanians are robbed of their natural heritage and elephants risk extinction.

Stand with Tanzania and their elephants by taking action today.

Poaching steals the lives of innocent elephants and threatens the native wildlife that many Tanzanian citizens believe to be a valuable part of their national identity and heritage.

Do your part to help Tanzania recover elephant populations and stop the illegal wildlife trade by pledging to never buy ivory products. Together, we can help save wildlife in Tanzania, and the world.
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