Tell Congress: Don't let Trump destroy chemical safety law

Moms and dads care about what's in our kids' stuff. Earlier this year when President Obama signed a law—one that passed with overwhelming bipartisan support—that updated America's chemical safety standards, all of our families immediately became safer. But that law could now be in danger.

President-elect Trump has pledged to severely weaken the Environmental Protection Agency—the same agency responsible for carrying out the laws that keep harmful toxins out of our products and our food. If Trump is successful in his attack on the EPA, the agency may be incapable of enforcing its rules, leaving our families and children exposed to dangerous chemicals that go unchecked and unregulated.

It's up to us to make sure that the agency is protected and fully funded. It's the only way that this groundbreaking environmental law will deliver on its promises.

Take action now, and tell Congress you demand we preserve the EPA and its critical duties.

Subject: Please ensure our chemical safety laws are protected

Dear Senator,

I am incredibly thankful for the work Congress did to put forward strong chemical safety reform for the first time in 40 years, with the passage of the bipartisan Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act. But as the transition to a new administration begins, I am concerned about the future of this groundbreaking law.

With this bill, Republicans and Democrats came together in order to protect American families from harmful chemicals. It proved that healthy families and children is something there can be no disagreement over. Now, I ask that you make sure the Environmental Protection Agency is protected and funded so that it can implement this critical law. The health and well-being of Americans depends upon it.

Please protect EPA from any attacks, budget or otherwise, that could harm its ability to implement the strongest possible chemical safety system.

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