Urge Congress to Permanently Protect the Arctic Refuge!

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to caribou, snow fox and millions of migratory birds. It is also the most important onshore denning habitat for America's vanishing polar bears.

But this natural treasure is constantly under siege. Time and time again, the oil industry and their allies in Congress have sought to open this special place to harmful new drilling, threatening all of the wildlife that depend on it for survival.

We need to permanently protect the Arctic Refuge! Tell Congress to reject drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and to permanently protect this special coastal plain.
Dear [Decision Maker],

As your constituent, I am writing today to strongly urge you to reject attempts to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and ensure that this special place is protected permanently.

The Arctic Refuge is not only home to caribou, snow fox and millions of migratory birds, it is also one of the most important onshore denning habitats for America's remaining polar bears.

These magnificent animals are struggling for survival with scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey warning that America's polar bears could be extinct by 2050. The Fish & Wildlife Service recently listed America's struggling polar bears as "threatened" on the Endangered Species List.

If drilling -- and the development that comes with it -- is permitted in this important habitat, polar bears may abandon their dens, leaving cubs to die.

Drilling and the transportation and infrastructure needed to support it could wreak havoc on polar bears and the habitat they need to survive. There are around 400 crude oil and toxic spills every year at the Prudhoe oil field, just 30 miles west of the Arctic Refuge.

I strongly urge you to reject any new attempts to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife.

I also strongly urge you to support legislation to permanently protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Only a "wilderness" designation will stop the relentless efforts to drill in this special place and focus on real energy solutions like energy efficiency and the development of clean, renewable alternatives to fossil fuels.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments. I eagerly await your response.
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