Join the movement calling for safe, affordable water in every tap. No exceptions.

We have a water affordability crisis in Michigan.

Michiganders pay some of the highest water bills in the country. Some Michigan families pay as much as 25% of their monthly income on water alone. On average, water bills have increased by 40% for most people since 2010.

Why? Bad policy decisions and a lack of water infrastructure investments by the federal government have pushed the costs of an aging water system to Michigan families.

When people can't keep up, their water is shut off, they slip further into debt, and regaining access to water can become ever more difficult.

We can meet everyone's water needs in a water-rich state like Michigan! Community leaders who have been responding to this crisis in real time developed a set of principles that guide our fight to ensure safe, affordable water in every tap. No exceptions.

Add your name to the list of people demanding our leaders put these principles into action at every level of government.

Sign this petition and help us advocate for a lasting policy to end water shutoffs and ensure no family ever receives a water bill beyond their means.
1. Water is a public good and should never be privatized: water affordability must acknowledge that water is a public trust, the provision of water is a public good and water is not a commodity subject to privatization.

2. Water affordability is one piece of the puzzle: water affordability must be situated within a broader commitment to ensuring access to clean, safe, affordable water for all.

3. Water bills should be on a sliding scale: Water affordability must be modeled along the lines of a sliding-scale, income-based rate system.

4.Water is a public health issue: water affordability must be centered within a framework of preserving and maintaining public health.

5. Water affordability builds climate resilience: water affordability must maintain a commitment to principles of conservation and provide assistance to low income residents to ensure they can be proper stewards of their water resources.

6. Water is a human right: water affordability must enshrine quality customer service as a central value along with a commitment to acknowledge the human dignity of all the people it serves. Water affordability must find appropriate ways to deal with past consumer debt, such as the policies being implemented in Philadelphia.

7. Water shutoffs are not a solution: water affordability must eschew water shutoffs as a policy for being inconsistent with the values of public health and the commitment to acknowledge the human dignity of all the people it serves.

8. Water assistance and affordability are not the same. Water assistance plans are not the same as water affordability plans and must not be advertised as such. Tiered water pricing plans, where water is priced by volume, are not the same as water affordability plans and must not be advertised as such.

9. Promote equitable community justice through the water affordability platform: water affordability must ensure that jobs, training, contracts and other economic opportunities go to residents of the most impacted communities to align with the Justice40 framework. Recipients of government assistance for housing and businesses that provide economic opportunities to low and very low-income residents must be prioritized.
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