Romania- Send Tania, the Zoo Elephant, to a Sanctuary

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: Executive Director of European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, Commissioner for the Environment

The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria requires that zoos house female elephants in groups, but Tania, a 37-year-old female elephant remains in alone insolitary confinement at the Targu-Mures Zoo in Romania. She is reportedly forced to live indoors in a tiny barren cell standing on concrete, often in her own urine and feces.

Captured from the wild in the 1970s, Tania was sent to a zoo in France where she lived alone for more than 20 years,- and more recently was transfered from an Italian zoo last September to Targu-Mures Zoo in Romania.

Female elephants are profoundly social and need natural social groupings.The unnatural conditions of zoos causes psychological distress; and Tania repeatedly rocks and sways, a coping mechanism elepants exhibit indicating they are in distress. Additionally, standing in one spot on concrete leads to chronic foot infections- a leading cause of death in elephants.

Tell the Targu-Mures Zoo in Romania to stop depriving Tania of her most basic needs- room to move around and the company of other elephants.

The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria requires that zoos house female elephants in groups, but Tania, a 37-year-old female elephant remains in alone insolitary confinement at the Targu-Mures Zoo in Romania. She is reportedly forced to live indoors in a tiny barren cell standing on concrete, often in her own urine and feces.

Captured from the wild in the 1970s, Tania was sent to a zoo in France where she lived alone for more than 20 years,- and more recently was transfered from an Italian zoo last September to Targu-Mures Zoo in Romania.

Female elephants are profoundly social and need natural social groupings.The unnatural conditions of zoos causes psychological distress; and Tania repeatedly rocks and sways, a coping mechanism elepants exhibit indicating they are in distress. Additionally, standing in one spot on concrete leads to chronic foot infections- a leading cause of death in elephants.

Tell the Targu-Mures Zoo in Romania to stop depriving Tania of her most basic needs- room to move around and the company of other elephants.

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