Bill Bryant: Be honest with Washington voters about your plans for oil and coal

Candidate for Washington Governor Bill Bryant has been out on the campaign trail claiming he's a conservationist and that he wants to protect the state's environment.

But in a recent front page story, The Seattle Times reported Bryant worked for the worst air polluter in the country, voted against cleaning up diesel emissions that polluted vulnerable communities, voted to allow a Shell oil rig in Puget Sound, and took thousands from oil companies and coal exporters who were later fined for directly polluting local waterways.

Worst of all, Bryant said as Governor he would approve the largest oil and coal terminals in the country set for Vancouver and Longview, WA.

Communities across the state showed us there are hundreds of reasons why we shouldn't permit these projects. Bill Bryant has made it clear he won't listen to our communities and doesn't believe in Washington's values, that a healthy environment and a strong economy go hand in hand.

Sign this petition to tell Bill Bryant to be honest with Washington voters about his plans for coal and oil in Washington.

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