Poultry Waste is Destroying Our Waterways: Sign to Demand Transparency from NC Poultry Farms

The 900 million chickens and turkeys in North Carolina's rapidly expanding poultry industry outnumber the state's people, at any given time, by roughly 50 to 1.

But North Carolina's environmental and health regulators don't know where jam-packed poultry operations are. They don't know how many are in our flood plain — even though the state spent at least $11 million composting dead birds after Hurricane Florence.

We're asking North Carolina state representatives to support legislation requiring North Carolina's agriculture department to share its information about the location of poultry producers with our environmental and health agencies.

Our government can't protect us from what it can't see. North Carolina should require more transparency from this industry. We can do better.

Dear Representative,

N.C.'s Department of Environmental Quality should be tracking where our 516 million chickens and turkeys, most of which are in crowded industrial animal operations, are located. 

It should know how many are in our floodplains. It should know what happens to their five million tons of waste.

Please support legislation requiring N.C.'s agriculture department to share its information about the location of poultry producers with state agencies protecting our environment and health. 

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