Stand with Indigenous People for Water Rights

  • av: RAVEN
  • mottagare: Neskantaga Chief & Council
In the mad rush to develop the controversial Ring of Fire mineral cache, Ontario is running roughshod over Indigenous rights.

Though it has failed to provide clean drinking water to the Neskantaga community for more than 25 years, Ontario is rushing to approve road-building and mineral exploration permits along the Attawapiskat River in the James Bay region of northern Ontario.

As the second largest peatland in the world - and a massive carbon sink that holds over 35 billion tonnes of carbon - the Attawapiskat watershed is home to Indigenous Peoples whose food, medicine, cultural and traditional practices depend upon the health of the region's extensive river networks and wildlife habitats.

Sign to Pledge to stand with Neskantaga as they push back against reckless mining development in Ontario's north and demand respect for their constitutional rights.
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